EUR:USD Charts and Updates

Millennial, Lamborghini Driving Bit Coin Millionaires, Social Media Twitter Heads, Even the Multi Billionaire Mr Musk are all on board the Crypto Currency wave of…
A detailed review of the Major Market Index futures, Commodities Futures, Precious Metals & Gold Miners, The Major FX Pairs and key Crypto Currencies prior to the opening of the US Markets today. #USStockMarket #ElliottWaves #Fibonacci #CyclesAnalysis #ES #NQ #CL #NG #GC #BitCoin #Etherium #USD
Summary There’s not a single investor who is not asking themselves how far this market can drop, and when will things stabilize and begin to…
This article is taking a ‘Bigger Picture” perspective on where we all stand and the direction in which we are heading. The decade of the…
Composite Cycles Model on New Home Sales indicates possible end for U.S. recession as early as summer 2024 New Home Sales – also known as…